Scholars in Medical Education Pathway
The Scholars in Medical Education (SIME) pathway provides unique and dedicated educational experiences at the postgraduate level for physicians seeking careers as medical educators, educational scholars and leaders. The pathway provides a foundation for residents whose career focus includes curriculum design, scholarship, administration and leadership in medical education. Its overall aim is to develop skills that residents will use to become agents of educational change.
Pathway Features
- One 2-week elective block for PYG-2s
- Two 2-week elective blocks for PGY-3+
- Foundational topics in medical education
- Application of educational principles in own teaching and scholarship
- Advanced topics for seniors, with emphasis on scholarship in medical education
PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents will focus on completing their independent projects while receiving 1:1 support and feedback from MedEd Scholars in their area of interest. In addition, they will participate in advanced topics in medical education
- Educational innovations benefiting BWH residency training and Harvard Medical Students
- Design, implementation, evaluation, and publication of:
- Team projects
- Individual projects
- Examples of previous projects include:
- PGY1-2 transitions curriculum
- Leading rapid responses simulation-based curriculum
- PAUSE curriculum: a program-wide approach to debriefing codes
- Simulation-based curriculum for ultrasound-guided procedures
- A systematic approach for resident coaching of sub-intern medicacl students
- Many others!
- Evidence informed approach to teaching
- Microteaching sessions
- Training in coaching peer teachers
- Self- reflection on own teaching
- Feedback on teaching
- From pathway director, Dr. Subha Ramani
- From BWH DOM educators with expertise in specific areas
- From national and international educators beyond BWH Hospital
- Informal discussions with core educators and educational leaders
- Future plans for shadowing and field trips outside medical campus

Specific objectives
The SIME Pathway will:
- Prepare residents for future roles as leaders and scholars in medical education
- Train residents in the evidence and principles that underlie effective approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment
- Stimulate residents to adopt a scholarly approach to teaching, curriculum design and improvement, and educational research
- Contribute to the educational mission of the Department of Medicine through individual and group projects in curriculum design and improvement as well as educational scholarship
- Form a community of educators to study, define, and apply best practices in education within the department, hospital and the medical school

Current pathway events/projects:
- Rapid response curriculum for PGY1 residents- Spring of PGY1 year
- Transitions from PGY1-PGY2- Half day retreat Spring of PGY1 year
- Junior resident retreat- A day-long retreat focusing on teaching skills- Fall of PGY2 year
- PAUSE training- emotional debriefing after serious events
- Periodic simulation-based workshops on ultrasound-guided procedures
Application Process
During spring of PGY1 year, residents interested in advanced training in medical education will indicate their interest to Chief residents. The residency program will add residents to a list and add the pathway elective to their PGY2 schedule.
No formal application is needed.
Pathway leadership
Subha Ramani, MBBS, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine, HMS
Director, Scholars in Medical Education Pathway
Internal Medicine Residency Program, BWH