The Clinical Investigation Pathway is a specialized pathway within the residency program designed to support residents who are interested in clinical research careers.

Mission Statement

The Brigham has a rich tradition of practice-changing clinical investigation, and is the home of many large-scale, longitudinal epidemiologic studies and clinical trial organizations, including the Physicians’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study, Women’s Health Initiative, and the TIMI Study Group. By providing the building blocks and environment to facilitate clinical investigation during residency, the goal of the CIP program is foster the next generation of leaders in clinical investigation.

Program Features


All CIP residents meet individually with the CIP Faculty Director at the beginning of junior year to discuss career goals and research plans. Based on these discussions, residents are matched with faculty research mentors to begin planning research projects. 

Residents may take advantage of a Mentoring Advisor Board composed of leaders in clinical research within the Harvard Catalyst program and affiliates who can pair top-notch research mentors and projects within their discipline. 

Core Curriculum (“CIP Bootcamp”)

All CIP residents participate in a two-week intensive block in September (generally done in the junior year) that includes didactic sessions, biostatistics workshops, journal clubs, and social events.

Biostatistics Training

All CIP residents are guaranteed acceptance into the online Certificate in Applied Biostatistics course available through the Harvard Catalyst program. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to biostatistics in medical research. CIP residents are given two years to complete the online course.

Longitudinal Research Support

CIP residents meet periodically with the Faculty Director to monitor progress in their clinical research endeavors and identify additional resource needs. CIP residents are provided protected research elective time (up to 16 weeks total) during their junior and senior years of residency to conduct clinical research projects with the Faculty Director and/or Mentoring Advisory Board. 
